Who are we ?
Born of the encounter of two players of Innovation, Novaneo is an independent company

Company specialized for more than a decade in the operational support of innovative project leaders :
150+ inventions captured, 25 patent filings, 20 prototypes, 15 industrializations

Industrial Property Attorney whose expertise and reputation have been known to all for decades. Novagraaf covers all the Intellectual Property needs of companies on all continents.
By noticing several years ago that there were shortcomings in the invention files submitted to patent drafting, NEO FACTORY and NOVAGRAAF have created a new method making it possible to optimize everyone’s time, at a lower cost. In doing so the IPA could devote all of his time to creating the best protection for his clients’ inventions.
Today, the «Innovation Capture» allows controlled and creative maturation of inventions while optimizing their IP positioning. It also optimizes the time devoted by the Patent Attorney to the drafting of patent applications by providing it with the most complete invention blueprint, draft up at a “classic” engineer cost.
The method then improved over the years to finally become a new service « Innovation Capture », enhanced by a tool accessible to all innovation’s actors, Novaneo.
In order to make this solution available to everyone, Novaneo was created with shareholders independent of any IP Counsel : economic interests are aligned in the direction of creating value that is most favorable to the companies we help.